Social Equity Policy for Marijuana Facilities

Social Equity Policy

Whereas the Town of Brookfield, in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 94G and 935 CMR 500, has begun to hold host community agreement meetings and discussions about, and negotiate host community agreements with people and groups seeking to operate cannabis establishments, and the Town of Brookfield has approved zoning regulations regarding adult-use cannabis establishments, and;

In recognition of the limit on available cannabis licensing in Brookfield Zoning Bylaw Section 8, Special Regulations, G.7.b. Limitation on number of Marijuana Facilities and related Special Permits, it adopts the following policy. 

1.    For a minimum of one (1) year, the Select Board shall reserve one (1) marijuana retailer host community agreement for applicants controlled by, and with majority ownership comprised of, Certified Economic Empowerment Priority Applicants (EEA) and/or Social Equity Program (SEP) participants.

2.    For a minimum of five (5) years, when multiple applicants seek a host community agreement, the Select Board shall provide priority review to the applicants controlled by and with a majority ownership comprised of, EEA applicants and SEP applicants.

3.   This policy shall take effect upon passage by the Select Board.

Adopted 4/6/23